Multimedia Album Page

Figure: Multimedia Public Album Page and Figure: Multimedia Private Album Page show the Public and Private multimedia albums pages, respectively.

Multimedia Public Album Page

Multimedia Private Album Page

Table: Multimedia Album Page describes the information that can appear in the multimedia albums. Unless otherwise mentioned, the items in the table are common to both the Public and Private Albums.

Multimedia Album Page



Menu Bar

Enables access to the following:

    Public Album: Opens the Public Album with the Public Root folder automatically selected, and the view set to show all multimedia types.

    Private Album: Opens the Private Album with the Private Root folder automatically selected, and the view set to show all multimedia types.

    Search: Enables you to locate a specific multimedia element in either or both albums.

For more information, see Viewing Content in Multimedia Albums.


Provides the following tools:

    New Folder: Available only for Private Albums. Creates a new folder at the selected location with the name you specify for it. For more information, see Creating a New Folder in the Private Album.

    Info: Shows properties of the selected folder, or the selected multimedia element within the folder, such as the name, path, and size. For more information, see Viewing Properties of a Folder in Multimedia Albums and Viewing Properties of a Multimedia Element in a Folder.

    Tree View: Toggles between showing and hiding the tree structure of the selected album.

    Import: Available only for Private Albums. Uploads a media file from your computer to the selected folder in the Private Album. For more information, see Importing a Multimedia Element into the Private Album.

    Cut: Available only for Private Albums. Cuts the selected multimedia element from its current location and stores it on the clipboard until pasted into its new location. For more information, see Moving a Folder/Multimedia Element in the Private Album.

    Paste: Pastes the multimedia element that is cut or copied into the selected location. For more information, see Moving a Folder/Multimedia Element in the Private Album.

    Copy: Copies the selected multimedia element and stores it on the clipboard until pasted into its new location. For Private Albums, you can also copy a folder, in addition to multimedia elements. For more information, see Copying a Multimedia Element from the Public Album.

    Delete: Available only for Private Albums. Permanently removes the selected folder or multimedia element from your Private Albums. For more information, see Deleting a Folder/Multimedia Element from the Private Album.

    Sort Ascending/Descending: Toggle button that enables sorting multimedia element within the folder in either ascending or descending order. Sorting the root folder sorts the multimedia elements in all the child folders. For more information, see Viewing Content in Multimedia Albums.


Media Filter

Filters the list of multimedia elements according to the selected media type, which can be one of the following:

    All Media Types: Shows all multimedia elements in the selected folder, irrespective of the media type. This is the default view for both Public and Private Albums.

    Image Media Types: Shows only image multimedia elements in the selected folder.

    Audio Media Types: Shows only audio files in the selected folder.

    Video Media Types: Shows only video clip files in the selected folder.

    Media Templates: Shows only media file types saved as templates. The templates are saved in the STML folder in your Private Album with EML file extensions.

For a list of supported media formats, see Table: Multimedia Message Media Types and Formats.

Tree View

Shows a tree structure of the selected album type. You can navigate between the folders and items in the album.

You can show or hide the tree view by clicking  Tree View.

Thumbnails and Preview

The area to the right of the page shows thumbnail views of all the multimedia elements in the selected folder. An enlarged view of the selected multimedia element in the Preview area.

The First, Previous, Next, and Last buttons allow you to navigate the thumbnail views, and enlarged views of slides.

You can get information on a specific multimedia element, and include it in a multimedia message. For more information, see Viewing Properties of a Multimedia Element in a Folder and Including a Multimedia Element in a Multimedia Message.


Related Information:

General (Public and Private) Album Management

Private Album Management