This procedure describes how to view content in the multimedia albums from your WAP-enabled handset.
What You Need
■ Access to the multimedia album from your handset, as described in WAP-Based Multimedia Album Access
1 From the MMBox Multimedia Album screen, click Public Album.
The Public Album screen appears showing the folders and files.
2 To view content in your Private Album, select My album.
Your Private Album entitled My album appears (Figure: WAP Private Album (My Album) Screen).
WAP Private Album (My Album) Screen
3 Do one of the following:
■ To view a folder, under Folders, click the folder.
■ To view a file, under Files, click the file name.
■ To view a file within a folder, select the folder and then click the file name.
The multimedia element appears in the upper part of the screen, and its properties such as the date it was last modified, name, size, and type, appear below.
The lower part of the screen shows the location of the multimedia element, and the available options.
4 Use the Previous, Up, and Next links to view other multimedia elements.
5 To return to the previous screen, click Upper level.
6 To return to the main multimedia album screen, click MMA home.
Parent Topic: WAP-Based General (Public and Private) Album Management
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