This procedure describes how to delete a personal folder you created in the Folders page.
To delete a personal folder, you must first delete all the messages it contains.
What You Need
■ Access to the MMBox, as described in MMBox Access
1 Click Folders.
The Folders page appears (see Figure: Folders Page).
2 To delete a personal folder, from the dropdown list of folders, select the folder you want to delete, and then click Remove Folder.
■ If the folder is not empty and contains messages, the following message appears:
You cannot delete folder <folder_name> because it is not empty. First remove all the messages before deleting the folder.
■ If the folder is empty, a delete folder confirmation message appears:
Delete folder <folder_name>?
3. To confirm, click OK.
The selected folder no longer appears in the Folders page.
Parent Topic: MMBox Folder Management Overview
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