Sending a Multimedia Message

This procedure describes how to send a multimedia message you created to one or more recipients. The settings you can define include message delivery and acknowledgement options, the message priority, and the actual date when the message is to be delivered.

What You Need

   Access to the MMBox, as described in MMBox Access

   A multimedia message you created or saved


1    Do one of the following to select the message you want to send:

   To send a message you saved in the Drafts folder, open the message from within the Drafts folder.

The Compose page appears with the slides in the message.

   To send a message you saved as a template, open the message from the _STMA folder in your Private Album.

The Compose page appears with the slides in the message.

   To send a message you currently created using Compose, continue from step 2.

2    On the Compose toolbar, click  Send.

The Compose page appears with the send options (Figure: Compose Page with Send Options).

Compose Page with Send Options

3    Under Recipient Details, do the following:

i     In the To: and/or Cc: fields, type the email address(es) of the recipient(s) of the message. Multiple email addresses must be separated by semicolons (;).

The email addresses of recipients in the To:and Cc: fields are visible to the other recipients.

ii    In the Bcc: field, type the email address(es) of the recipient(s) you want to send copies of the message to without being visible to the recipients in the To: and Cc: fields.

4    In the Subject field, type the subject of the message.

5    Under Delivery Settings, select any or all the following options:

i     To request an acknowledgement when the recipient(s) read the message, select Request a read reply for this message.

ii    To request notification when the message is successfully delivered to the recipient(s), select Request a delivery report for this message.

iii   To send the message anonymously to the recipient(s), select Hide my address from the recipient.

6    Under Priority, specify the level of importance of the message, as Low, Normal or High.

Low and high priority messages appear with  and  indicators respectively, in the Inbox.

7    Under Send Message, do one of the following:

   To send the message immediately, select Now.

   To send the message at a later date and time, select Scheduled and type the Date and Time in the required formats.

8    On the toolbar, click  Send.

The message is sent according to the options you specified.

Parent Topic: MMBox Message Compose Management Overview

Related Tasks:

Saving a Multimedia Message

Editing a Multimedia Message

Related Information:

Compose Page