The MMBox interface has the following pages:
■ Inbox: Repository for all incoming email and multimedia messages, arranged according to message type, sender, subject, date, and size. For a description of the Inbox, see Inbox Page. For information on working with and managing the Inbox, see MMBox Inbox Management Overview.
■ Compose: Enables you to create multimedia messages comprising one or more slides, containing a combination of audio, video, and image content. The maximum number of slides you can include in a message is configured according to your user profile. For a description of the Compose page, see Compose Page. For information on working with the Compose application, see MMBox Message Compose Management Overview.
■ Folders: Repositories for your incoming and outgoing messages, as well as multimedia messages you create. You can save, and move messages between folders. For a description of the Folders page, see Folders Page. For information on working with and managing folders, see MMBox Folder Management Overview.
■ Search: Enables you to search for email and multimedia messages containing the word or phrase you specify and other search criteria. For a description of the Search page, see Search Messages Page. For information on working with search, see MMBox Message Search Management Overview.
■ Settings: Enables you to customize your mailbox settings that control incoming and outgoing message delivery and receipt, and the interface language. You can also filter incoming messages through predefined lists of approved and rejected senders. For a description of the Settings page, see Settings Page. For information on customizing settings, see MMBox Settings Management Overview.
■ Albums: Repositories for pictures and multimedia elements you can use in the multimedia messages you create. For a description of the Public and Private Albums, see Multimedia Album Page. For information on working with the multimedia albums, see General (Public and Private) Album Management and Private Album Management.
You can also access the albums with your WAP-enabled handsets, as described in WAP-Based Multimedia Album Access. For a description of the album screens as they appear on WAP-enabled handsets, see WAP-Based Multimedia Album Screen. For information on working with the multimedia albums with WAP-enabled handsets, see WAP-Based General (Public and Private) Album Management and WAP-Based Private Album Management.