Inbox Page

The Inbox is the repository for all the multimedia and email messages you receive. You can view messages, sort them in the desired order, move them to different folders, reply to recipients, forward, and delete messages.

Figure: Inbox Page shows an example of the Inbox page.

Inbox Page

Table: Inbox Page Information describes the information that appears in the Inbox page.

Inbox Page Information




Provides the following tools:

    Delete: Deletes the selected message(s) from the Inbox. For more information, see Deleting a Message from the Inbox.

    Forward: Opens the Compose message application with the selected message included in one or more slides. You can add more slides and then send the message to desired recipients. For more information, see Forwarding a Message from the Inbox.

    Reply: Opens the Compose message application with an empty slide numbered 1. For more information, see Replying to a Message from the Inbox.

    Reply All: This function is available only when you open a message to view its content. Opens the Compose message application with an empty slide numbered 1. For more information, see Replying to a Message from the Inbox.

    Save: This function is available only when you open a message to view its content. Opens the File Download page to save the message on your computer. For more information, see Saving a Message in the Inbox.

    Mark As Unread: Highlights the selected message. The icon in the type column reverts to  for an email message and  for a multimedia message.

    Go to Folder: Opens the folder you select from the dropdown list.

    Move Message To: Moves the selected message(s) to the folder selected from the dropdown list. For more information, see Moving a Message from the Inbox.

    Help: Displays online help for the current page.

Summary Bar

Shows the status of the messages in the Inbox.

    New: Total number of new, unread email, and multimedia messages.

    Unread Urgent: Number of unread messages marked as high priority.

    Total: Total number of messages in the Inbox, including new and read messages.

    Mailbox Gauge: Shows the currently utilized Inbox capacity, in percentage, with respect to the maximum available capacity.

Message Area

List of all received messages, organized according to the following column headings:

    :Select one or more messages to perform operations such as delete or move.

    Priority: The priority of the message, which can be one of the following:

    : High priority message

□    : Low priority message

    Message type, which can be one of the following:

    : Unread email message

    : Read email message

     : Unread multimedia message

 □    : Read multimedia message

    : Message with an attachment

    From: The sender of the message.

    To: The recipient(s) of the message.

    Subject: The title of the message.

    Date: The date and time the message was received.

    Size: The size of the message, in kilobytes (KB).


Parent Topic: The MMBox Interface

Related Information:

MMBox Access

Compose Page

Folders Page

Search Messages Page

Settings Page

Multimedia Album Page