Forwarding a Message from the Inbox

This procedure describes how to forward an email or a multimedia message from the Inbox to one or more recipients. You can either forward the original message without changes, or add new content to the message and then forward it.

What You Need

   Access to the MMBox, as described in MMBox Access


1    Click Inbox and then do one of the following:

   Select the checkbox next to the message you want to forward, and then on the toolbar, click  Forward.

   Open the message you want to forward by clicking its Subject, and then on the toolbar, click  Forward.

The Compose page appears with the content of the original message in the first slide numbered 1 (Figure: Forwarded Message in Compose).

Forwarded Message in Compose

2    Add to the message as desired, by creating new slides with media, or text, or both, as described in MMBox Message Compose Management Overview.

3    To forward the message, on the Compose toolbar, click  Send and continue as described in Sending a Multimedia Message.

Parent Topic: MMBox Inbox Management Overview

Related Tasks:

Replying to a Message from the Inbox

Saving a Message in the Inbox

Moving a Message from the Inbox

Deleting a Message from the Inbox

Replying to/Forwarding a Message from a Folder

Related Information:

Inbox Page

MMBox Message Search Management Overview